Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December Recap

Parker is taking his morning nap and as I sit down in front of this blank screen, I'm reflecting on the past few weeks.  How is Christmas almost here?!?  I still feel like I'm just trying to survive most days.  I've been trying to workout a few days each week and on those mornings, I'm lucky if I'm dressed by 1pm... but the baby weight has to go and I'm blessed with a husband who works hard so I can stay home and tend to Baby Boy... and try to get rid of the tummy Baby Boy gave me!  

The past 2 weeks we've had a lot of snow!  I lived here for 3 years prior to moving back and I don't think we had snow more than 2 or 3 times in those 3 years.  So far, this year's snow count is 3... and one of those days turned into a snow storm and everything got shut down at noon.  Justin was able to safely make it home but a 20 minute commute took him 2 hours due to the... umm... we'll call it the impromptu driving style of some of the other drivers.  Have I mentioned how much I love seasons?  I do... but I also love a warm house to escape the cold winter season :)  Parker and I spent a lot of time upstairs where it was warmer and enjoyed so slow, relaxing days filled with Christmas movies, hot tea and chocolate.

Everyday Parker shows more of his personality... and I love it!  The acid reflux is much much better which means there's a lot more smiling and a lot less screaming/crying.  Next week he goes in for his 2 month appointment and I'm interested to see how much he weighs.   My little boy LOVES to eat!!!  He growls and makes all kinds of sound effects while he's nursing that just tickle me and make me laugh with entertainment.  He's started sleeping through the night (more or less) which has been such a huge blessing!  Most nights he'll go 5-6 hours between feedings and wake at 4:45 for his first feeding but last night he went 7 hours!!!  YAY!  Amazing how a baby lowers your standards.  At first I was just thankful for a night when I got a 2 hour stretch of sleep... then you get use to not sleeping and you're thankful for a night you don't get puked/pooped/peed on... and then you reach the other side.

We're so excited about our first Christmas with Parker!  Only a few more days...


Tara G. said...

He is precious!! Hooray for sleep! Can you e-mail what you had sent so I know what to look for? GOt your cards- yours is the only Christmas card we have- ha!