Monday, March 7, 2011

A Tour of the Nursery

When Parker was first born, I loved having him sleep in our room right next to the bed.  This precious little baby that we had waited so long for... who had the cutest cry and who filled me with energy when I saw him in the morning.  

4 months later... that cry isn't so cute at 2am or 3am... or any other wee hour of the morning and my morning energy comes from half a pot of coffee.  Haha.  So Parker was shown the door... to his nursery.

For about 2 months, we've been putting Parker in his crib for naptime but he was still sleeping in our room at night in a Pack-N-Play.  Last Sunday that ended.  Sleep deprivation motivated me to move him down the hall into his nursery.  I wish I could say we're letting him "cry it out" at night and that he's sleeping like a champ... boy do I wish I could say that after last night.  Unfortunately my sleeping champ baby no longer goes 7 hour stretches.  Right now we're lucky to get 4 hour stretches BUT I'm proud that we've transitioned Parker to his room and reclaimed our room!  

Since we moved here a few weeks before he was born, his nursery was never completely finished.  I was just too big, swollen and tired to finish it.  The final piece to his nursery that I've been waiting for was a glider.  I got a fantastic wooden glider but I love having that downstairs... so we bought another glider for his room.

Here's Parker's nursery...

We hung the planes over his crib in lieu of a mobile.

The plane on the left I bought months before I found out I was pregnant with Parker.

 I loved this PotteryBarn Kids crib bedding but struggled with how much it costs.  About 2 weeks after we packed out, it was placed on clearance for 1/2 price!  Yay!  I love the colors and how simple yet fun it is.  

I picked up this metal sign as we traveled cross country.  

His closet is HUGE!  Such a blessing since they go through so many clothes sizes the first year...

A friend gave me this print at my baby shower... and it goes PERFECT with his nursery!

I need to paint some polka dots or something on this shelf to tie the glider in (since it's a different shade of blue).  I love this glider and choose a color that I could easily place in a girl's nursery if the Lord blesses us with a little girl.


Tara G. said...

Little boys and planes are so fun! We did them in the boy's nursery, too (and a hanging plane)! Great job!!