Saturday, October 4, 2008

I miss Virginia...

I cried today. We went to the commissary and found the meanest most bitter cashier ever. On top of that we had a couple behind us whose definition of personal space was about 2 inches (maybe I'm being generous) and decided I wasn't unpacking the basket fast enough... never mind the belt wasn't moving, there was no more room and my arms were full of groceries to place on the belt the instant it did start to move. Since I was clearly incapable of unpacking my cart in a timely manner this man started handing me items from my basket. No, I'm not kidding. Between that and my attitude... that was all it took. I got in the car and cried most of the way home (fortunately I wasn't the one driving). When I got home the 2 year old at the house where we're staying ran up and hit me. Nice. Then I proceeded to cry more after I got home. People just aren't friendly here. From what I've gathered, you're either part of the "mother w/ a young child" group or the "single/engaged" group. If you don't fit one of those 2 cookie cutters... well, it sure feels like you're shunned. So I've spent my days at the house where we're staying w/ a 2 year old who pee'd on the couch today (boy was that fun cleaning up... and was he ever proud!) and whose favorite words are "I don't want to" and "NO!". Almost enough to make me want to sell our queen bed and buy bunk beds! 2 is such a "fun" age! Please don't get me wrong... we're are SO unbelievably grateful to this family for housing us but there's a reason they call it the Terrible Twos and this little boy doesn't like taking naps. I miss Virginia. Why can't Justin get his grad degree in Virginia or at least in a town with ONE (just one... that's all I'm asking for) respectable WalMart?!? Part of me wants to send all our household goods back to Chesapeake :(


Will & Abby's Life said...

awww, I'm praying for you! Some people are so inconsiderate. I'm sure not everyone is like that there!

Do they have a super Target you can do your grocery shopping at? (Not saying people at Target are nicer than people that shop at Wal-Mart...just throwing out another option!!!).

Goodness, that two year old sounds like a handful...when he doesn't take naps!

I had (and still have sometimes) days where I cry and want to go back to CC but then God blesses us or confirms that this is where He wants us and it helps...

You get to move into your new place soon right??

Katie Paulus said...

you poor thing! I'm praying for you, my friend! Just give it time. Quick question, have you considered spanking the little brat, um, boy? I've also heard bribing works wonders.

If it makes you feel better, nothing's been happening here in VA. It's been pretty humdrum without you guys. I've had my fill of crying and stretches of "Michael, you're just don't care what I have to say!" even though he does. It's all good. 3 more months and we'll be a few hours away! I'll drive you to the nicest Walmart I can find. :)

Keep praying, Jen. God hasn't deserted you. He just didn't put a WalMart in your area.

Love you!