Thursday, September 23, 2010

36 Weeks...

We're getting so close!!!  We just took this picture today so I'm 36 1/2 weeks pregnant and counting.  Baby Boy is quickly running out of room but praise God, Baby Boy started to drop about 2 weeks ago so I have finally been able to breathe!  Yay!  For a while there I had to choose between food and breathing... Guess which I chose ;) Then I would spend an hour or so barely able to move from the shortness of breathe!  Ha ha.

We're still working on the nursery and hopefully will have it complete before he comes.  I'll post pictures once it's complete but I love how it's turning out!  Baby clothes are washed and his stuff is packed for the hospital.  Justin has been wonderful in helping me get stuff done around the house... and rubs my legs every night... despite the fact that somedays, my feet look like they belong to Fred Flinstone!  Ha.  Last night he had this look on his face (I think I was groaning as I tried to find a position to sleep in that didn't hurt)... and when I asked him what was wrong he said, "I just feel so bad for everything you're body is going through."  Awww.  Such a sweet husband!  We still can't believe we're about to have a baby!


Tara G. said...

You look great!! I'd better be on your e-mail list.