Wednesday, September 29, 2010

REALLY Pregnant

Only 18 days remaining before my due date!  If it weren't for the swelling... I would be feeling pretty good.  However, I've reached the "I'm done" point... and I'm just praying this little boy comes early.  SO... what to do when all those "I'm so pregnant" moments arise?  Cry or laugh?  I've just been laughing myself silly and thought, why not share :)

Here's my current list of "You know you're REALLY pregnant when..."

1.)  You've given up on the regular bathroom stalls and go straight to the handicap stall because it's easier to close the door without hitting your stomach.

2.)  Your hands are no longer recognizable... well, maybe that's not entirely true.  You can swear you saw similar paws at your last troop to the big cat cages at the zoo.

3.)  You go to put on a pair of sneakers and with some help of Crisco you manage to slide into them... and as long as you don't have to try and walk, you're good.

4.)  You can only squeeze into 1 (or maybe 2) of your husbands t-shirts... which were HUGE on you just a few months ago...

5.)  Since lounging around in your husband's t-shirts is no longer possible, you head to the closet to get dressed and are faced with the tough decision of shirts that are too short or shirts that are even shorter.  So you close your eyes, grab a shirt and spend the rest of the day walking around with your ginormous elastic waistband showing.

6.)  You feel like a Biggest Loser Contestant every week when you step on the scale and watch as the numbers jump around.  You hold your breathe, pray for a good number to come up... and then want to cry when you see the final number (while muttering under your breathe that the scale is a liar).

7.)  You can no longer bend over to dry your own feet.  Oh yes, it happened.

8.)  You find yourself walking into things... and wondering where this big belly came from that is now in your way.

9.)  (NOTE: Even though I'm not suppose to... I have been sleeping on my back.  I start on my side but roll to my back while sleeping)  You try to get out of bed (for one of the countless nightly potty trips)... only to resemble a cockroach.  You know, all fours up in the air, grasping at the air as it will somehow help you heave ho off your back and into the vertical position.

10.)  You swear if one more person comments on how swollen your ankles are... you're going to comment on their ankles!

11.)  You sit on the edge of the tub (to wash your feet before going to bed... a necessity after wearing flip flops all day) only to nearly roll off the edge like Humpty Dumpty when you try to reach your foot.

12.)  You realize your abs have never been so firm in your life.  Not a 6 pack... but they're rock hard without the inconvenience of daily sit ups.

So what were your "I'm REALLY pregnant" moments???


Beth W. said...

I love it! Numbers 4 & 5 were so so so true for me! I think my "I'm REALLY pregnant" moment was when my swim coach informed me I was no longer allowed to get out of the pool by the ladder, but had to use the paraplegic motorized chair. Or maybe it was the moment I actually used the chair while everyone one else at the pool watched. At that point, I was done.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jay, you make me chuckle even in your misery. Have they checked you for pre-eclampsia?
I'll be praying!