Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bad Mommy Moment

Nobody in our house has gotten sleep the last 2 weeks.  All the sudden a switch flipped in Parker and we started getting up 8-10/night.  I knew he wasn't hungry so I would normally just give him swaddle him again, give him his paci, stroke his head and let him go back to sleep.  30 minutes later we were repeating.

I thought the problem was teething but last week when he ran a 102.5 fever, I moved up his 4 month appt and we went in.  The doctor figured it was probably just a virus.  His right ear was a little pink but Parker was screaming at the time so we just chalked it up to increased blood flow.  Besides, ear infections (apparently) normally have upper respiratory symptoms).

Fast forward a week.  We're getting even less sleep.  Justin and I are completely disagreeing over how to handle this.  I'm completely exhausted and since I can't be mad at my baby... I'm just looking for a reason to snap at anyone.  He's not nursing well AT ALL.  Not sleeping well and super fussy/whiny.  Finally Thursday afternoon he starts to run another fever and he starts sounding congested.  Back to the doctor we go only to find out he does in fact have an ear infection... and he had only gained 1 oz in 9 days since he was eating so little.  Sigh.

Now we really feel lousy for letting him cry all those nights convinced he was just developing bad sleeping skills and we needed to break the habit.  Truly a bad mommy moment... 


Tara G. said...

It's so hard to know and since they can't talk...don't be too hard on yourself; you're the best parents he'll ever have! :)

Natasha said...

That's NOT a bad mommy moment! You were trying your best and did not know he had a ear infection

Sarah said...

We did the same thing with our oldest. She often had ear infections without fevers. Now that she is 3 she knows exactly when she is getting an infection and will tell us. So don't feel bad, we all do it at some point.