Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year is Coming

2011 is almost gone and I realize that this blog has been terribly neglected.  I'm amazed how busy a 1 year old can keep me!  It truly is amazing.  I feel like I've done a terrible job this year sharing with you, our friends and family, our experiences during Rookie Parent Year.  Looking towards 2012 I hope to improve this.  We don't make New Year's Resolutions in our home but we do set goals and objectives for our coming year.  So I've decided to combine 2 of my goals for the coming year:

1.) Do a better job sharing with you Parker's toddler years.  And oh my... are they already shaping up to be quite entertaining.
2.) Start learning and experimenting with our camera... which of course would mean photos posted!

So stay tuned as we kick off 2012.  I promise I'm going to try update you a couple of times each week!