Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June's Trip

At the start of the year, Justin and I sat down to discuss the future.  New Year's Resolutions are so easy to forget but we did want to set goals (both personal and for our family) for 2011.  One of our desires for our family was to take advantage of leaving on the East Coast and travel.  Looking at our calendar for this year, we've probably gone a bit overboard but we're having fun.

So... June's trip was to Cincinnati to attend the wedding of one of Justin's friends.  We were so blessed to be able to attend Chris and Amy's wedding and look forward to visiting with them more later this summer (that would be our August trip).  Parker FINALLY cut his 1st tooth just a few days before we left so the weeks of fussiness ended and we got to enjoy a super happy baby during our trip :)
We had Parker out several night super late.  Fortunately our boy LOVES to eat so we totally used food to keep him distracted.  We went through way too many Gerber Puffs.  I would say we're not winning any parenting competition... but have you been to Walmart lately?  As long as the people of Walmart exist... we'll always be in the running for Parent's of the Year ;)
Anyway, back to our trip. The wedding was lovely, at least what I saw was lovely.  Parker felt the need to compete for attention with the bride and groom while they were exchanging vows.  We made a very hasty exit.  

Justin was in the sword arch.  Can I just say I love my man in his uniform.  There is something about the dress whites...  BUT they are a miserable uniform to keep clean... especially when you're trying to feed a baby.  The reception didn't start until 7pm but Parker is use to dinner at 5:30.  Justin ended up holding Parker while I fed him pumpkin.  Are you getting a mental picture yet?  Oh yes, I spent quite a bit of time scrubbing that uniform clean.  Fortunately after 8 months of being a mommy... I'm a pro at getting stains out of clothes.